Discover the Key Safety Measures of Orion X.

Taxes Icon


Large sells are taxed to discourage dumping and to protect the token's price stability.

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Buybacks Icon


A portion of transaction fees is used to buy back tokens from the market, especially during large sell-offs, helping to support the token price.

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Bot Protection Icon

Bot Protection

We implement advanced mechanisms to block automated trading bots, ensuring a fair trading environment for all users.

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Buy Cap Icon

Buy Cap

Buy limits are set relative to the current market cap to prevent market manipulation by large traders.

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Liquidity Pools Icon

Liquidity Pools

Liquidity pools adjust dynamically based on market conditions, providing stability during periods of high volatility.

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Burn Mechanism Icon

Burn Mechanism

A small percentage of tokens are burned during each transaction, creating deflationary pressure that can help maintain or increase the token's price.

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Vesting Icon


Significant purchases or sales may be subject to vesting periods, preventing sudden dumps and protecting the market from drastic price drops.

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Bubblemaps Icon


Integrated the Bubblemaps API. Providing real-time walletdata.

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Advanced Wallettracker Icon

Advanced Wallettracker

Introducing an advanced wallettracker (nothing stays hidden), based on the solscan v2 API.

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Meme & Image Generator Icon

Meme & Image Generator

Advanced AI image and meme generator.

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Achievements - Marketcap Icon

Achievements - Marketcap

10 Achievements ranging from 15k MC to 100k MC.

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Achievements - Community Icon

Achievements - Community

Tracks ongoing raids, and community activity on TG to gain trust.

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Achievements - Coin Launches Icon

Achievements - Coin Launches

Tracks the successfulness of a dev launching a coin. The account and related wallets, future coins always will have this badge.

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